Tuesday 17 February 2009

Celebrities in The Greatest Game

The Giants win over the Dragons came as a surprise in Chez Spoonfinger. To have done so without close season 'signing' Todd Carty was even more impressive. Having seen Todd skating around so elegantly on TV and remembering his moving performances on Grange Hill I think he would have brought something special to Superleague.

However it is possible to go too far with these celebrity signings. Would Leeds have been improved by playing Clint Eastwood? And as for Bradford with Dicky Bird? It was never a starter - though he would probably have been more effective than Ben Jeffries at 6.

Three cheers for Nobby Noble's big idea: bringing in big nobs from the Union game. To say this amidst rumours that Union coach Eddie Jones may take over at Wigan was very brave.

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