Wednesday 4 February 2009

Spoony's crystal ball

Many of the rugby big nobs have made their predictions for the 09 season. I have received no fewer than 287 requests for my tips in the last week. Though admittedly 286 came from Mrs McGillyCuddy.

I cannot look beyond the Rhinos for trophy winners. This is in part due to their exciting squad and in part due to Bluey. I once inadvertently cracked a walnut on the top of his head. He could have got quite shirty but responded like a gentleman. This contrasted with the response I got when I used the 'builder's crack' of a player to open a bottle of stout. He got a tad vexed and tried to thump me!

The man of steel will be that scamp Sean Long. Mother cannot wait to see his humourous hairstyles this year. I do hope Sean uses a good quality hair conditioner.

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