Wednesday 28 January 2009

Captain my Captain

Yesterday I was having a heated game of kerplunk! with my chaperone, Mr Pew. He was thrashing me. At the half time break we had Yorkshire tea and some of mother's spiced eccles cakes.

By means of lateral thinking we went from Eccles to Salford to the flapdoodle that the City Reds had experienced in Florida! What had those boys been up to?

Was it high jinks and giddy tomfoolery? Or was a mark over stepped? It would appear to be the later. While I do not like to speculate perhaps a couple of the players had a strong shandy or maybe Paul White or Robbie paul put a fake dog poo on Bomber McRae's pillow - being an australian he may have thought it was an american chocolate mint! The possibilities are endless.

My concern is that the response of the Salford club was misguided. Perhaps corporal punishment in the privacy of the Willows would have been a better option.

At school I was regularly thrashed. On one occassion I used the wrong spoon during high tea. I was beaten unconscious. After 2 weeks in intensive care I returned to school and never made the same mistake again. Surely Steve Simms should have given Alker a sound spanking and drawn a line under it rather than strip him of the captaincy.Public humiliation is surely not the answer.

I suspect the Reds will now struggle this year - 'Spare the rod, ruin the club'.

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